"The Eagle has landed" movie is true after all...

"The Eagle has landed" one of my all time favourite war movies (and books) is 100% true after all... After so much wanting this to be a 'based on fact' story for so long I'm pleased to announce that on the strength of this book cover I consider this irrefutable proof that it is in fact a true story and Jack Higgins had inside information all along.

... at least I'm 40% sure.

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1349 Hits

Soviet Naval Infantry Kickstarter

Dan and I just finished recording a podcast with Steffan of Flank March Miniatures about his currently running 3D printable 28mm WW2 Soviet Naval Infantry Kickstarter.

We had a great time and learned a lot of interesting things about the Soviet Naval Brigade, also known as the Black Death, plus an interesting (unique?) extra at higher pledge levels.

Not only great looking printable miniatures but a huge quantity all sorts of different options.

Podcast to follow ASAP but in the meantime have a look at this Kickstarter at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/flankmarch/black-death

Also, (rather cool) share this post:
… on Facebook, and if it gets enough shares some extra stretch goals get added.

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1158 Hits

Army Organization Explained: Squad to Army Group

If you have an interest in historical/actual 20th and 21st century Army organization; Squad, platoon, Company etc. This is an outstanding video explaining how it all works including using Easy Company from Band of Brothers as an example.

Thanks DigitalBattlefieldTours on YouTube for putting together such a fantastic resource.

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1073 Hits

Web store now live

The Valhalla Games web store is now live at this location:


The web site is just out of the shrink wrap so ANY issues at all let us know. Adding freight zones is proving to be troublesome, if your freight zone/country is not listed let us know or if you have any other issues please contact us here.

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1516 Hits

Historicon reseller for The Battle for Primosole Bridge

If your visiting Historicon in Lancaster, PA (United States) this year an want to pickup our book The Battle for Primosole Bridge (without paying freight!). Its available in limited quantities from Sheildwall gaming check them out and have a first-hand look at the book yourself. Check out their other items while you are there.

Thanks Jeff!

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1217 Hits

The Battle for Primosole Bridge Update #15

Hi All! 

On 13th July (the 79th Anniversary of Op. Fustian) here's your latest update on "The Battle For Primosole Bridge" campaign book; 

So far, the book has reached Australia UK, and parts of the US...feel free to post on social media and tag us in when it arrives!
We are very pleased and proud to say its been well received, and the first video reveal has been done by Rhys at 'Sounds Of Battle', you can find it here;


For those who have envious friends wanting to borrow your copy, there is limited stock available to purchase via...


...for anyone who missed out on the Kickstarter.

Customers can purchase the book from our web store its AU $55 + freight (from Australia). If your freight zone/country is not listed let us know so we can get it loaded for you- The web site is just out of the shrink wrap so ANY issues at all let us know!

As of the time of writing, there are 4 Kickstarter books haven't been sent yet as we are waiting for addresses!!! We have emailed you direct in the last couple of days, hopefully you're on an epic extended holiday- when you get back, let us know your address ASAP please!!  :-).

For those of you that have already let us know your copies have arrived, thank you! And we look forward to honest and constructive feedback on strengths and any 'work on' opportunities you feel there are for future projects- those of you on social media, you tube etc, please feel free to share these with us and others also as it will help others recognise our brand and keep an eye out for future projects from Valhalla Games! 

Kind Regards,

Dan and Rex

Its not often that one gets promoted to Sergeant on the day your personal copy of our first book arrives in the post!! Happy Op. Fustian Anniversary everyone!! Dan.
  1340 Hits
1340 Hits


One week to go... Progress on yet-to-be-revealed content and EVERYONE* GETS A FREE ITALIAN SPRUE.

'The Battle of Primosole Bridge campaign book' Kickstarter has only one week to go. Initially funded in 26 hours we now have more than doubled our funding goal and have backers from all over the world getting ready to refight the historical battle from Sicily 1943. With only one week to go before the end of the campaign there is still time for this pre-Christmas/pre-end of year investment in your gaming for 2022 (and still have a few weeks before Christmas!).

As we have mentioned previously Dan and I have the book largely complete. However, along with fine-tuning our various assigned parts of the text and rules, Dan is painting more models for studio photos to include in the book while I am finalising our best terrain board to date for more in-game/in-battle photos. This new gameboard which has not been publicly revealed yet is a 10' x4', purpose-built, fully sculpted terrain board which is a beautiful representation of the bridge and its environs in [near] real scale for 28mm miniatures. It includes what we are calling the 'realistic bridge'. This new 3D printed bridge which we have not mentioned until now.

After a major rework of the original STL so that it exactly fitted our requirements and at over 120 hours of 3d printing its near 4' long and admittedly not for everyone's games room. Having said that Valhalla Games always aims to raise the bar so in conjunction with the already stunning gameboards we have revealed on the pages of the book so far showing the 'representational bridge' on a [more reasonable] 6x4 table we look forward to revealing the new board to you also. If you want to see all of that, you're going to have to back the book on Kickstarter and you only have a week to do it.

*In other exciting news Wargames Atlantic have been even more generous to the project, we went to them cap in hand to see if we could get some more free Italian sprues to go with the books, they must be excited as their response was... I quote: "No limit - go for it." This means that EVERYONE that backs the book gets a random free Italian sprue from the box set here: https://wargamesatlantic.com/collections/world-ablaze/products/italian-infantry If we can get the new miniatures in time we will also include some images in the book itself for inspiration. (paint Dan paint!!). Do us a favour and hit that page in the link above so that they can see that their generosity is rewarded by interested potential customers.

We would like to remind you again that doubling up with a buddy and getting 2 books shipped to the same address is significantly less postage 'per book'.

Standby for even more exciting news in the next few days but get your pledge in now so you don't miss out as the next week fly's by. If we are able to add more content such as we have with the free sprue mentioned above we will. We won't be doing it as a 'stretch goal' but instead we will be retrofitting this extra reward into the original project, if we can give you more for the same price we will regardless of the final project total! (But don't stop nagging your friends to back it also).

Back it here(!): https://valhallagames.net/kickstarter ...or if you have done so already spread the word, did I mention its only 1 week to go ;-)


  1510 Hits
1510 Hits

Kickstarter Update 1 - 'The battle for Primosole Bridge'


Welcome to the first update of the now funded 'The battle for Primosole Bridge' campaign book Kickstarter.

Once again, we would like to thank everybody who has made this project a reality. By backing you will not only have a fantastic campaign book that you can enjoy and play for years to come but you have also helped to educate people as to the heroic efforts (on both sides) in a little-known historical campaign.

This project was funded in a bit over 24 hours and we can't wait to see where it goes in the next 26 days or so.

After a brief bit of R&R Dan and I are straight back to work on the book again. I spent a good long session taking more photographs in a more 'studio shot' type format over the last couple of days. Whenever we do this, we always get carried away and take many, many photos, not all of which are relevant to the book, and we have included one below. This one won't appear in the book because it doesn't match the historical equipment for the campaign. Nevertheless, we think it's a great photo and wanted to share it with you.

We also wanted to take the opportunity to thank the fantastic guys at Wargames Atlantic and WOW buildings for generously providing free goodies for early bird backers. There are still free sprues and STL files available on the 2 books 'buddy up' early bird deal at the time of writing.

Don't forget to visit WOW Buildings (https://wowbuildings.net/) and Wargames Atlantic (https://wargamesatlantic.com/) to check out their webstores. We are sure that there will be something there of interest to you. Dan and I certainly get motivated whenever we see new stuff which is why our respective war games storage areas are bulging at the seams.

We're really enjoyed people reaching out to us to tell us about how excited they are about the book what they're doing in terms of preparation and what they are most looking forward to playing. A little bit later on we'll be calling for photos of your battle prep. We would like to see what your building, painting, and preparing, it inspires us also. If you are planning for a new British para army to play with in the campaign (like I am) have a look at Valhalla games YouTube channel where Dan does a paint and learn video giving you the colours and some hints on painting British paras as well as interesting history on the uniform itself and don't forget British paras have maroon berets *not* cherry red if you turn up with cherry red berets to the table Dan will have words with you. :-)

Very soon my British paras will be looking just like Dan's that you can see in the photo below.

If you haven't heard enough of Dan and I, we just wanted to remind you that we are chatting on 4 podcast channels right now, Henry Hyde's battle chat, the South Wales Warlords Sounds of Battle Podcast, Brads Cast Dice (the same feed as the official bolt action podcast) and of course Valhalla games own podcast, here: https://www.valhallagames.net/index.php/podcast-ep22-campaign-book-incoming.

As always you can contact us here https://www.valhallagames.net/index.php/contact

Dan's British paras with Jeep and trailer
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2102 Hits

Podcast EP22: Campaign book INCOMING

Podcast EP22: Campaign book Kickstarter - INCOMING.

Although other podcasts have done (and will do!!) a fantastic job of asking us the hard questions about the new The Battle for Primosole Bridge Campaign book (the Kickstarter is just days away now). Dan and I thought we had better say something ourselves on the subject :-).

Come with us as we discuss the book, the reason why we did it in the first place and a deep dive into the content.

Listen here https://pca.st/vdibfi9e in the web player (or click on the image below). Or search for us and subscribe to Valhallagames in your podcast app.
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1822 Hits

ANZAC day 2020... Thanks

Nothing more needs to be said after the last post. Have a great day enjoy your (relative) freedom. Rex 

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1902 Hits

Friday Photo - Improvised Hitler’s buzzsaw

Improvised Hitler's buzzsaw (...and hot too)

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2615 Hits

Podcast EP9: The trouble with 28mm

Even more

Latest Podcast

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In this episode Dan & Rex talk about "the trouble with 28mm". What even is 28mm… it's not a scale? Rex gets angry, will Dan soothe things out and will we come to grips with our scale woe's? Will we have a prime directive to give to all manufacturers to ensure that when we open the box will we have "joy"?

As well as that Rex talks about the performance of his new soviets at MOAB gaming convention in Sydney. 

Subscribe in your favorite podcasting app (search for vallhallagames) or click on the image below to view the web player.

  2199 Hits
2199 Hits

The Cost of Freedom

Rest In Peace. 

Private "Bobby" Johns, The Parachute Regiment. Joined up to fight when aged only 14 years old. 

K.I.A in Normandy, aged 16, 75 Years ago. 

Utrinque Paratus.

  2601 Hits
2601 Hits

Latest podcast

Podcast EP24: A chat with Jon Russell:

The latetst podcast episode is live now. This should appear in your podcast app if you have subscribed (Search for valhallagames podcast in your app) or you can listen on web player (link below).

Podcast EP24: A chat with Jon Russell.

In this bumper episode, we are joined by Jon Russell of Warlord Games fame. In addition to his dedicated work for Warlord, Jon is a multifaceted wargamer and also veteran of many years service.

In this episode we spend time learning about Jon's wargaming pedigree, before learning more about his role at Warlord, the writing of 'Bolt Action: Korea', and Jon shares with us what he can about what Bolt Action V3 might look like, and the 'Raiders Attack!' Supplement that still has much life left in it.

All this plus Warlord event support, balance in tournaments and other definitely non-controversial(!), highly entertaining and informative topics. Sit back and enjoy a chat with Jon, and us, we hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

Subscribe in your favourite podcast app (search for valhallagames) or click here to listen in the web player.

Don't forget to check out the YouTube channel at https://valhallagames.net/youtube

...and don't forget if you would like to support us https://valhallagames.net/patron