​Wednesday night gaming for the past few weeks has been SAGA, a great game I'm really enjoying it. Its new to me so thanks to Ian and Ian for the tutorials and Ian B for supplying all the lovely minis.

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Podcast EP26: 80th anniversary of the invasion of Sicily and Italy game day

In this episode of the Valhalla Games podcast Dan and Rex talk about the 80th anniversary of the invasion of Sicily and Italy game day held in Sydney, 18 March 2023.

Will the allies get a foothold in the soft underbelly or will Italy kick them off, back into the Mediterranean? Perhaps more importantly will the Primosole bridge book scenarios and terrain stack up against the expectation of the veteran Bolt Action players of Western front gamers in Sydney Australia?

Game on…

Subscribe in your podcast app by searching for Valhalla Games or play in the web player by clicking on the image below.​

Images and video of the day to follow at shortly(ish).

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A couple of images from a game of Bolt Action last night

A couple of images from a game of Bolt Action last night with Wargaming buddy Ian, thanks for a great game, a draw. I tried some brand new tactics which worked well, just need to rework the tactics that didn't work.

'I am a stone. I do not move. Very slowly, I put snow in my mouth. Then he won't see my breath. I take my time. I let him come closer.'
The meat-grinder, what about the other 2' on the other end of the table?!! [Also.. hurry up and paint that building!]
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Great game of Bolt Action with Ian and Ian

I had a great game of Bolt Action WWII goodness with wargame buddies Ian and Ian last week. The Soviets faced a worthy enemy Australians, hard combat and armed with Two 25 pounders. Little Kate did well and some very brave moves were made but I was beaten pretty well by Ian's Ozzies.

[Note if your viewing this on mobile its best viewed horizontal]

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Boots on the ground, other Random photos

Boots on the ground 2020, other Random photos (yes bad ones!)

The first few are from the best painted army I saw on the day.

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Boots on the ground 2020 tournament table setup

Boots on the ground 2020 event table setups click on the link below to go to the gallery page:

See other posts under this "tag" for more images.

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WWII British Airborne Paint and Learn - Offensive Miniatures 28mm

 Welcome to Valhalla Games first "paint and learn" video. In this first episode Dan uses the fantastic 28mm Offensive Miniatures WWII British Airborne to explain how he paints a realistic depiction of the WWII era red devils uniform complete with the *REAL* colour for those maroon berets. As well as painting, Dan talks about the historical evolution of the uniform its self.

If you enjoyed this video please like and subscribe. Also consider supporting valhallagames via patreon at

Check out offensive miniatures web site here for a fantastic range of miniatures including the NEW RELEASE British Paratroopers shown in this video.

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"Scattered to the four winds" Bolt Action battle report

Dan & Rex face off again in the continuing campaign based on the real WWII battles around Primosole Bridge, in Sicily 1943. "Scattered to the four winds" is the second scenario in the nine scenario campaign. Check out the other games in our channel playlist. This battle report uses the Bolt Action miniature war games rules and 28mm miniatures from various manufactures including Offensive Miniatures, Warlord Games, Artizan Designs and Perry Miniatures. If you enjoyed the video please subscribe for more and check out the podcast by searching for valhallagames (one word) in your podcast app. Thanks for watching! Please share , like and subscribe.

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2127 Hits

Christchurch Wargaming Club; D Day 75th Event.

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On the 75th anniversary of the D Day invasion, the CWC organised a full event for wargamers and public alike to attend. Dan attended to take part in Bolt Action and record for posterity.

With Militaria from the period and Huge games of Flames Of War and Bolt Action on display the club did itself proud in both commemorating and educating others around the event.

We have invested significant time on the video to show the efforts of the coordinators and the participants - thanks to all and we look forward to the next opportunity.

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Learning Chain of Command - at Lard Island with Richard

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Join Dan on his first delve -long awaited!- into the Chain of Command ruleset from Too Fat Lardies...with expert tuition from none other than; Lardy Rich himself!!

Thanks to Richs most generous offer, Dan joined him at Lard island for a game, some beers and a lot of laughs and thoroughly enjoyed himself...for the first of our many future CoC games. Thanks for watching, please check out our other content and please like, subscribe and give us feedback regarding what you'd like to see in the future.

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Bolt Action battle report: Assault on Johnny 1

 Italian Coastal Div. vs. British Airborne in the battle for the " Johnny 1" feature, in order to capture and hold Primosole Bridge in Sicily, 1943. 

Thanks for watching! If you like it please remember to subscribe, like it and share it around to others. Dan & Rex.


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5106 Hits

Bolt action Fortress Budapest Day photos

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Rex's Fortress Budapest Day photos, yes I may have overdone it a bit with the photos perhaps quantity makes up for the quality, tricky in a dark room. A couple I "borrowed" from the bolt action Aust/NZ web page also where mine weren't great quality. 

Set 1 is my game 1, set 2 is my game 2 and the final set is general terrain and other peoples games.

[Click on the thumbnail images below to display the higher resolution images in a slideshow kind of format]

Set 1:  (my game 1)

[Click on the thumbnail images below to display the higher resolution images in a slideshow kind of format] 

Set 2: (My game 2)

[Click on the thumbnail images below to display the higher resolution images in a slideshow kind of format] 

Set 3: (General photos and terrain)

[Click on the thumbnail images below to display the higher resolution images in a slideshow kind of format] 

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Fortress Budapest Campaign day

Fortress Budapest Campaign day, was had, still need to process the photos but here are my soviets in full flight running across the cemetery.

Full sized image click here

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2517 Hits

Bolt Action, Italy Pt2; Battle for Mottola

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Op Slapstick-Italy '43; The concluding second part of the mini campaign, German FJ vs British....

10 September, 1943. Operation "Slapstick".

  • British Paratroopers from 156 Parachute Bn, having seized Key strategic points of entry into Mottola , now assault the German Fallschirmjager defenders in strength in what becomes a bloody battle for the town.
  • Scenario; Meeting engagement. 1000pts per army.
  • This mini campaign will utilise the rules for campaigns found in the Bolt Action; Battle of France sourcebook.

See here for battle 1:

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4853 Hits

New BA Batrep on our youtube; Op. Slapstick ( Italy '43)

Hi All! As promised and thanks to the technological wizardry of Rex (!), our new battle report is up on our Valhalla Games youtube channel.

This one is based around Op. Slapstick & the advance north from the landings at the  Taranto port by the Brit paratroopers of 156 Para Bn, 1st Airborne Div....and meeting their arch adversaries 1st Fallschirmjager.

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Bolt action - Operation Slapstick game images

Following are some images from our recent operation slapstick game. If you haven't already check the video here

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4181 Hits

Video battle report - The Battle for Primosole Bridge

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This is our first a "Bolt Action" battle report - German Fallschirmjager vs British Airborne- Played between Dan & Rex, your hosts at Valhalla Games. This follows on from the two part podcast special by us on the historical background of the battle in Sicily, 1943. The podcast can be found here; . We hope you enjoy it. Feel free to subscribe to this blog and of course the podcast in your preferred podcast app. All feedback is welcome.
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3405 Hits

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Podcast EP24: A chat with Jon Russell:

The latetst podcast episode is live now. This should appear in your podcast app if you have subscribed (Search for valhallagames podcast in your app) or you can listen on web player (link below).

Podcast EP24: A chat with Jon Russell.

In this bumper episode, we are joined by Jon Russell of Warlord Games fame. In addition to his dedicated work for Warlord, Jon is a multifaceted wargamer and also veteran of many years service.

In this episode we spend time learning about Jon's wargaming pedigree, before learning more about his role at Warlord, the writing of 'Bolt Action: Korea', and Jon shares with us what he can about what Bolt Action V3 might look like, and the 'Raiders Attack!' Supplement that still has much life left in it.

All this plus Warlord event support, balance in tournaments and other definitely non-controversial(!), highly entertaining and informative topics. Sit back and enjoy a chat with Jon, and us, we hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

Subscribe in your favourite podcast app (search for valhallagames) or click here to listen in the web player.

Don't forget to check out the YouTube channel at

...and don't forget if you would like to support us