When a Fail isnt a Fail...

​Well, the holiday period is a memory of a long time ago in a galaxy far far away for all of us now! Remember holidays?!..me neither.

However, as followers will note, I decided to make a crazy commitment to paint 12 seperate sets of models in my "Twelve days of Xmas " blogpost i did immediately before Christmas. How did I do?!!?....

Well; I failed. 

BUT; Did I ? in the post-new years resolution semi apocalyptic wasteland of Mid February, where guess many people are regrettably feeling down- I actually dont! Why? because i set a massive bold target that was always going to be a big ask. With the ethos that anything worth doing is worth overdoing, i threw myself into the task and achieved WAAAAAY more than i possibly would have if i hadnt made a public announcement of crazy intent!!

Between travelling to a seperate piece of the country, enjoying family time over the holidays  and then getting deployed to an exercise mid/late Jan i was hamstrung for carting large pieces of terrain and tanks on my paint list away. But, excuses aside, i feel like i 'shot for the moon and landed among the stars' anyway with the quantity i did get done. so without further ado heres what i got done;

Hope you agree and maybe you can relate or you might find it helpful to take another look at some of your projects you feel you 'Failed' at yourself and see them in a more positive light...remember its fun not life or death, and if you had a great holiday but ALSO suprised yourself with better productivity due to the challenge, then its got to be good for you! so i AM planning to do the "12 days of xmas " challenge again next xmas- whos with me??!!?

Regards, Dan.

1; FJ pak 40
2: Pz IV and Pz III
4: Commercial Italian Buildings ( Front view)
4; And the same from the rear.
5: The pieces from the ( ammended) 5 that were finished - pontoon bridge and french style fountain
6: German Heer HQ models ( substituted the sniper model in for the original refuelling model from the pledge post )
7; ( Unfinished) Warhammer quest character and creature models..minotaurs were mostly done.. and 9: Warhammer Quest doorways
10; Transported WW2 German Heer troops, magnetised for stability and removal.
11. ( changed) Eleven British Airborne casualties / paras getting canopies under control after landing/ LMG gunner with captured MG42.
Infamy, Infamy!
Review; Wargames factory 1/56 Red Army kit

Comments 3

Rex on Thursday, 13 February 2020 00:01

Love them all! that a great result. I particularity like the FJ and Pac40, is that the Tamiya spray pack base colour that us used for the tanks? Also the buildings that a massive hall I think I ahve only seen that sort of quantity in 1:100 scale! Where are you keeping all this stuff? The Transported WW2 German Heer troops will encourage mer to start mine I have been putting off doing those. Can you send me the colours for those germans?

Love them all! that a great result. I particularity like the FJ and Pac40, is that the Tamiya spray pack base colour that us used for the tanks? Also the buildings that a massive hall I think I ahve only seen that sort of quantity in 1:100 scale! Where are you keeping all this stuff? The Transported WW2 German Heer troops will encourage mer to start mine I have been putting off doing those. Can you send me the colours for those germans?
Dan on Monday, 17 February 2020 11:19

Hi...i keep acquiring extra shelves, but soon ill need another barrack room.... Not the tamiya desert yellow on these, instead i used the very last of vallejo air dark yellow, but added some buff colour for a little zenithal highlight, which knocked the yellow back just a little. I was particularly happy with the brown in the three color camo for once as ive been unsatisfied continually...used a roughly 50/50 mix of flat brown and chocolate brown.

Hi...i keep acquiring extra shelves, but soon ill need another barrack room....:) Not the tamiya desert yellow on these, instead i used the very last of vallejo air dark yellow, but added some buff colour for a little zenithal highlight, which knocked the yellow back just a little. I was particularly happy with the brown in the three color camo for once as ive been unsatisfied continually...used a roughly 50/50 mix of flat brown and chocolate brown.
Rex on Tuesday, 25 February 2020 08:49

Great, noted for future. Looks great

Great, noted for future. Looks great
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Friday, 14 February 2025

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