The Guerilla Painter strikes again

​One does whatever is required to get the figures onto the table... 

This is the result of hoteliers thinking that their guests all want "mood" lighting and not proper lights anywhere in their rooms ...except the bathroom apparently! 

  That and neighbouring guests snoring so loudly that I firstly couldn't get to sleep and then second; woke up at 0520.

  And yes...although I'm away for work who DOESN'T take figures and paint away with them??!!?? The answer is , of course; the wargamers who look back and wish they'd spent a couple of hours in their hotel bathrooms painting last night and this morning.

  And YES of course it turns out  I'd left a couple of colours at home that i wish I'd brought with me- its traditional for the guerilla painter! But its great to be getting layers on and making some progress while sensibly leaving the areas I wanted to leave for my painting hobby  light/magnifying glass such as faces etc. 

   Apologies ...but now you'll understand and hopefully forgive me for the poor lighting and slightly blurry images!

  Stay classy, Dunedin colorblind  Hedgehog bathroom-painting collective. 


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Comments 6

Rex on Thursday, 22 July 2021 21:00

That's really impressive, love the special painting "go-bag". Good to see your making the most of your time. I take my light when I go places now because I can't paint without it now (im so soft). But seeing as Australia is closed right now its not much of an issue.

That's really impressive, love the special painting "go-bag". Good to see your making the most of your time. I take my light when I go places now because I can't paint without it now (im so soft). But seeing as Australia is closed right now its not much of an issue.
Guest - Bob on Friday, 06 August 2021 07:14

I usually take a rule book to read so I can catch up on what I've been getting wrong for the last 2 years :-)

I usually take a rule book to read so I can catch up on what I've been getting wrong for the last 2 years :-)
Rex on Friday, 06 August 2021 08:05

Yes that's me too, I guess this is how Dan gets so much done. He would easily double my output. (Not to mention it's also twice as good, it's annoying really) ?

Yes that's me too, I guess this is how Dan gets so much done. He would easily double my output. (Not to mention it's also twice as good, it's annoying really) ?
Dan on Monday, 13 September 2021 18:04

Yep- I do that too...then sometimes I find Ive stashed a rulebook somewhere that I forgot and it gets read when Im waiting for an appointment etc... other suckers have to read the Readers digest or womans weekly in the waiting room...not me! Im up to my neck in "Fortress Budapest" or the Chain of Command rules!

Yep- I do that too...then sometimes I find Ive stashed a rulebook somewhere that I forgot and it gets read when Im waiting for an appointment etc... other suckers have to read the Readers digest or womans weekly in the waiting room...not me! Im up to my neck in "Fortress Budapest" or the Chain of Command rules!
Guest - John Bond on Thursday, 09 September 2021 21:55

You are "hard core".

You are "hard core".
Dan on Monday, 13 September 2021 18:01

Thanks John...I like the way you said that as if you haven't got some craziness deep down inside...I bet youve done something like this before hahaha

Thanks John...I like the way you said that as if you haven't got some craziness deep down inside...I bet youve done something like this before hahaha :D
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